Sunday, January 20, 2013


afterglow has to be my favorite app, even above pinterest and instagram. (gasp) that must say a lot since i use both of them religiously.  now, to overwhelm you with photos of utah and joe. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

I swear I'll always love you 
Even if you don't love me
So go be free
But come back home to me




yup, you heard me correctly, you my sir are officially old.
my bestest friend in thee entire world is 22.

twenty-two unknown/known facts about jssoder:

1. he has the best dance moves i've ever seen. jenni comes in a close second.
2. he is an excellent cook & sometimes he is even better than i am
3. he can grow a wicked beard
4. he plays the guitar and piano, very well if i might add.
5. he loves cadbury eggs
6. i'm pretty sure he has a crush of T. Swift
7. and he sings her very loudly, and good?
8. he can do the best buck call, i've heard it, and i've witnessed doe swooning over his call.
9. he is the best brother i've ever seen.
10. he sometimes thinks he is a nascar driving. by his driving, i some times think he is also.
11. he is incredibly smart, a little too smart.
12. he loves everything dirt bikes and motorcycles. he has the need for speed.
13. he likes classical rock, i'm talking about the 80's. i used to make fun of him, but i'm slowly catching on.
14. he is very manly, he can change a tire and drill a hole in my toe nail.
15. 'all i do is win' should be is theme song, because he beats me at everything. even my own hobbies.
16. he is the best date anyone could have. there is never a dull moment with him.
17. he loves he gospel.
18. he is one of the most caring and thoughtful person i know.
19. he is an excellent drawer, i wish i had proof.
20. he loves cats, by love i mean he loathes them. sometimes he even puts them in the washing machine ; )
21. he is very hardworking and ambitious.
22. he is the greatest person anyone could have in their life, and i'm extremely grateful for him and everything he has taught me. i'm so grateful for all the great memories we share together. he is going to do remarkable things in his life. 

now for some proof:
16. best date
9. being a wonderful brother
11. nerd
him surfing in costa rica 
 3. his wicked beard
 12. after our motorcycle ride
14. him being manly, by drilling a hole through my toe nail
2. one of the dishes he made me
17. the brigham city temple open house


a song about being 22:

Monday, December 10, 2012

apt 335

yesterday was a glorious sunday in apartment three-thirty-five.
it all started with cosette cleaning the apartment early morning.
i cooked biscuits and gravy for the roommates.
julia woke up early.
she found out her stocking was filled with candy canes.
(her favorite)
julia told us her dream, where someones jaw was ripped off, and somehow ended up with her telling me that i fell asleep with my music on repeat and my laptop was snuggled into me so she couldn't turn it off so she just stood next to my bed.
she told me it was an awful song.
so i put it on for all of us.
emily said that the song was terrible.
it is an 'sappy 80's song'
julia sang it for us.
i told emily 'just because you don't know what love is'
emily's reply 'touche'
realized i was saying the opening prayer.
ran around the apartment freaking out.
did my own 'jessica affirmation' video.
pumped myself up.
went to church.
started getting nervous during opening hymn.
went outside, walked in a circle, came back to realize it was the very last 5 words of the hymn.
walked up nervously to the front.
did a circle, held my breath, closed my eyes and said the opening prayer.
yup, i did it. 
i didn't even hesitate.
went to mission prep.
went to relief society.
my heart with filled with joy and love for every. single. girl.
came home.
baked cookies for two incredible men in the world.
julia brunt my second batch.
played harry potter uno.
wrote notes to people in the ward.
saw a handsome man.
cut snowflakes.
meet a potential future roommate.
delivered cookies.
went to stake christmas concert.
came home and went to bed at 10.