Monday, December 10, 2012

apt 335

yesterday was a glorious sunday in apartment three-thirty-five.
it all started with cosette cleaning the apartment early morning.
i cooked biscuits and gravy for the roommates.
julia woke up early.
she found out her stocking was filled with candy canes.
(her favorite)
julia told us her dream, where someones jaw was ripped off, and somehow ended up with her telling me that i fell asleep with my music on repeat and my laptop was snuggled into me so she couldn't turn it off so she just stood next to my bed.
she told me it was an awful song.
so i put it on for all of us.
emily said that the song was terrible.
it is an 'sappy 80's song'
julia sang it for us.
i told emily 'just because you don't know what love is'
emily's reply 'touche'
realized i was saying the opening prayer.
ran around the apartment freaking out.
did my own 'jessica affirmation' video.
pumped myself up.
went to church.
started getting nervous during opening hymn.
went outside, walked in a circle, came back to realize it was the very last 5 words of the hymn.
walked up nervously to the front.
did a circle, held my breath, closed my eyes and said the opening prayer.
yup, i did it. 
i didn't even hesitate.
went to mission prep.
went to relief society.
my heart with filled with joy and love for every. single. girl.
came home.
baked cookies for two incredible men in the world.
julia brunt my second batch.
played harry potter uno.
wrote notes to people in the ward.
saw a handsome man.
cut snowflakes.
meet a potential future roommate.
delivered cookies.
went to stake christmas concert.
came home and went to bed at 10.

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